Tiger have 3 parts to make it run, the engine, protocol/plugins and tiger modules(tigs).
Tiger engine holds everything required to run the app by using plugins and defining modules.
Here is all the methods you can use on tiger engine:
: to define a new module,Tiger#use(plugin)
: to use a plugin,Tiger#register(resolver)
: to register a protocol resolver, only can be used in plugin definition,Tiger#serve()
: main method to start the tiger server,Plugins provides special ability to connect modules or communicate to external systems by registering protocol resolver. A protocol resolver must implement at least one of the following methods:
Resolver#define(target, module)
: to create a module runs on target,Resolver#notified(target, param)
: to communicate with module or external system on target.see Plugin for details.
Modules are basic element for a Tiger application to run, it runs on a plugin/protocol target to be triggered. A basic module definition has 2 parts:
A processor is a function which takes few arguments and produces the state update. Usually (this is controlled by plugins) a processor is stateful, but you can ignore state update by returning an empty / undefined object.
Here is a general format for modules (you can also see example/example.js
for examples):
interface Module<Param, State> {
id?: string // will generate a default one if not provided
target: string
process: (State, Param) => State | void
These 2 parameters on the process method are:
Module will extend an adapter to use tiger’s abilities, including:
interface ModuleAdapter {
notify(target: string, param: Param): void;
log(message: string): void;
error(message: string): void;
state(data?: Partial<State>): State;
So as you can see the module’s behavior is tightly related to it’s related protocol. You can see the Plugin page for more information about these protocol and how to work with them.